My Story

A London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) graduate with a BSc in Accounting & Finance I started my journey in the equity research team of a brokerage house. Took me less than a year to figure out that I was in the wrong profession. 

I spent the next 6 years in product management with various SaaS products harboring a growing inclination towards the go-to-market strategy along with ways to growing the customer base.   

Soon after, the opportunity came knocking when I was offered a role at ColdBru Digital – a workplace that became my new home. I’ve learnt all tricks of the trade a.k.a. ‘growth hacking’ while exploring, experimenting & executing my ideas, here. 

I’ve been trained & mentored by the likes of Ben Kochavy (Founder, ColdBru) & Stuart Balcombe (Founder, Procket).

When I’m not obsessing over crazy growth ideas – You’ll find me under the hood with my tools at Nth Round.      

Not what you were expecting?
You’re the conventional resume guy?
Fair play – rant over. Here’s my resume

What I'm up to right now

You’ll find me testing out new & innovative ways of putting myself to sleep – No really! 

Next goal is a NY Times best seller on “101 ways to sleep as a Growth marketer” 😉

Also, actively working towards launching a bunch of D2Cs into orbit and setup shop in Mars (target audience = Starman). 

Think I’m crazy? Thanks for making it this far (makes the two of us?). Pleased to meet you!   

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